Restricted turns already at Masonic and Turk Streets

No Left Turn sign would be posted at this intersection

Left turns by northbound motorists on Masonic already restricted
The Municipal Transportation Agency hopes to reduce the number of collisions on Masonic Avenue by prohibiting left turns at Golden Gate Avenue for southbound traffic during morning and evening commutes. The intersection is particularly risky given the steep grade between Fulton and Turk Streets and the ongoing problem of speeding motorists. Southbound drivers wanting to turn left back-up traffic while trying to find an opening in the oncoming rush. And northbound motorists must negotiate the intersection with left-turners sometimes already beginning their turn. The proposed sign will advise NO LEFT TURN, 7-9 AM, 4-7 PM, except Sat & Sun. A similar restriction already exists for northbound traffic at Golden Gate, but it does not exempt Saturdays.
The traffic safety measure results from neighborhood concerns about safety hazards at the intersection, especially for students at the San Francisco Day School located on the northeast corner. Dr. David Jackson, Head of School, told BIKE NOPA last week that MTA reviewed the traffic situation after a collision in February in front of the school. A concerned neighbor requested that the city establish the new restriction. Jackson cited safety problems on Masonic and other streets as one reason more students don't bike to school.
Fix Masonic, the grassroots organization urging traffic calming on the corridor, was not advised of this proposal. That group is awaiting implementation of a thorough analysis of Masonic Avenue involving city engineers, planners, and nearby residents. MTA received $120,000 more than a year ago to undertake the study.
Nearby residents will be notified of the NO LEFT TURN proposal this week. A public hearing will be held Friday, April 30th at 10 a.m. at City Hall in Room 416. See the hearing schedule here.
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