Thursday, June 10, 2010

Safe Passage for All: Arco at Fell & Divisadero Closed Thursday Afternoon

Arco Station, Divisadero entry...closed to business, "system is down for a 2-3 hours"

How much safer, smoother it could be for people biking and driving

No blocked bike lanes, traffic lanes or sidewalks today

People biking, walking, or driving as they approached Divisadero from Fell Street this afternoon encountered something seldom seen: no blocked bike lanes, no obstructed crosswalks, and no backed-up traffic lanes. The street and the sidewalk were all-clear.

Bicyclists had a clear, unobstructed view ahead and could remain in the lane. Walkers had the full sidewalk to themselves -- no motorists idling their vehicles across it and no bicyclists on the sidewalk not wanting to risk the usual tangle of vehicles lining up for entry to Arco. And no drivers fuming while waiting behind the queue of other motorists wanting cheap gas.

The attendant at the quiet station told me simply that the "system was down for two to three hours" this afternoon. What a difference.


  1. It has been taped off for a couple days. Are they preparing for the possible protests?
    But now th egas station across the street has picked up and the cars are using the bike lane to queue up for gas. oh my

  2. Possibly, the Guardian reported the protest was Thursday instead of Friday. Come out today June 11th to express your disapproval of BP, of people blocking the bike lane and dependence on petrol in general. Bring potted plants, we will turn this gas station into a safe, green park! Music, dancing and fun!!/event.php?eid=124358567587525
