Expect to see 250 new street trees on Divisadero from Haight to Geary when the revitalization of the Divis Corridor is completed. A few of the existing trees will remain -- truly, the survivors of harsh circumstances -- but others already display a "Notice of Tree Removal" shrink-wrapped around their struggling trunks. The Division of Urban Forestry of the Department of Public Works has deemed these trees in such poor condition that replacement is the only option. Reasons posted for the removals include "not getting established, contorted by wind" and "struggling young tree, stressed and not growing." (Geez, wouldn't a call to Social Services be more appropriate?)
(Actually the "stressed and not growing" applies to Urban Forestry itself, battered by budget and staff cuts -- so much so that the "Dying Trees on Turk Street" continue to ....die...for lack of a watering plan, unless waiting for last week's downpour was the plan).
The proprietor at 834 Divisadero was properly watering the tree outside his business when I pondered the reason for the this specimen's imminent plucking: "reverse trunk taper, no leader." His hunch was the tree leaned into the street and often took swipes from delivery trucks. But "reverse trunk taper"? I'm going to leave that one alone.
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