Step Right Up, Settle In, and Get Ready for the BIG ONE
Photo: SF Dept of Emergency Management

I think they want YOU to get prepared
Photo: SF Dept of Emergency Management
Almost, but not quite, prepared for the Big One? One of these days you really will stock food and water, plan your family's meet-up plans, and secure emergency clothes and shoes near your bed? The city's Department of Emergency Management will be on the street Sunday to give you a hand --actually a jolt.
Stop by Grove Street between Baker and Broderick at the Preparedness Pavilion for the shake of your life between 10am and 3pm. Step into the Shake Shack for a simulated 8.0 earthquake. After that, you'll want to visit the mobile "Command Van One" and the cyber cafe (herbal tea suggested for rattled nerves and bones).
Expect to return home at the end of the day with more resolve and a lot more information about how to protect yourself, your friends, neighbors, and family when emergency strikes our neighborhood.
Find out how you can manage emergencies Thursday night at the meeting of the North of the Panhandle Neighborhood Association (NOPNA).
NOPNA General Meeting, Thursday, Sept. 16th
Oasis Cafe, corner McAllister and Divisadero
7pm meet neighbors
7:30 meeting begins
Agenda: Emergency Management, Bay to Breakers, Fix Masonic, Sunday Streets and more
Sunday Streets, Sunday Sept. 19th, 10am to 3pm
Western Addition (NOPA, Alamo Square, Japantown, the Fillmore)
Check for activities in the Panhandle at Central, Central Avenue, Grove, Baker, and Golden Gate and all those on the east end of the route.
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