Fell and Masonic intersection is often the site of collisions or near-misses
This photo was not taken this evening at the time of the latest collision
UPDATE: Sept. 22, 3:30 pm
SFPD Media Relations Officer, Samson Chan, said this afternoon that no further information about the collision or the condition of the injured bicyclist was available, pending completion of a Traffic Collision Report. Chan explained that the Traffic Division often conducts a more thorough investigation that is more time consuming, including diagrams and witness statements. A report may also require extra time to complete when a serious injury is involved, but Chan advised that the condition of the bicyclist was not necessarily a factor delaying release of the report. He suggested such information may be available by the end of the week. Observers at the scene of the collision (see comments below) suggest that the cyclist was male and was conscious and moving after the collision.
A motorist struck and injured a bicyclist at the troubled Fell and Masonic intersection earlier this evening at about 6:30 pm. BIKE NOPA reader "John B" wrote that he was riding home on his bicycle when he saw the aftermath of the collision.
Some sort of newer model Honda was sitting on Masonic (pointed south) just past Fell with a huge dent on the passenger's side and a jacked-up rear view on the same side. The bike was morbidly sitting there behind the car completely bent out of shape. There were a couple of cop cars/cops surveying the scene/questioning someone who was not the driver. The driver was still sitting in her car. No ambulance and no victim, so they obviously left before I got there. Hope they're okay.The dented passenger side of the vehicle that was facing southbound on Masonic just past Fell suggests the bicyclist was struck while crossing the street on the Panhandle Park multi-use path, but the circumstances of the collision have not been determined.
At 9pm an officer at SFPD Park Station said a report had not been completed at that time, but that the information available matched what John B had reported. At 9:45 pm Samson Chan, of the SFPD Media Relations Office, confirmed that SFPD received a call at 6:21 pm regarding "a bicyclist hit by a vehicle, a blue-colored Honda Civic." Medics arrived and transported the bicyclist to San Francisco General Hospital. He had no further information on the condition of the bicyclist, the Honda driver, or the condition of the vehicle. Chan confirmed that a Traffic Division officer was filing the a Traffic Collision Report, case #100877315, but it was unlikely to be completed until tomorrow. At that time, the officer was already off-duty. Chan said he may have more information about the collision Wednesday afternoon.
The Fell and Masonic intersection has been the site of several collisions involving two or more motorists, motorists and bicyclists, and motorists and pedestrians. The city installed a bike light at the intersection that has been the second most dangerous in the city for bicyclists getting hit by motorists. Even with the bike light installation, motorists continue to run the red light. This latest injury collision occurs just five weeks after bicyclist Yannick Linke was killed after being struck by an alleged hit-and-run driver on Masonic at Turk Street. As previously reported, city planners are in the midst of a community planning process to bring traffic calming to the Masonic corridor.
Even with the new traffic light setup Fell and Masonic still remains a dangerous intersection for bicycles and pedestrians. Drivers heading southbound on Masonic often block the crosswalk at Fell trying to make the light and drivers often make left turns from Fell to Masonic even when the left hand turn light is red. I have seen multiple cars run the light. I ride the intersection several times a day at all hours of the day. Recently an SFPD officer set up shop at Fell and Scott to ticket cyclist making illegal left turns. They need to do the same at Fell and Masonic for drivers turning against the red light at Fell and Masonic.
ReplyDeleteIn fairness to the drivers, it is difficult to see the left turn light amidst all the visual elements at that intersection. The City did a poor job in their placement of the left hand turn light. In my opinion most people who turn against the light just don't see it.
How I cross Masonic: As I start crossing, watch the cars in the left-turn lane to make sure they're not moving. If they are, I wave in a "stop" or "no" motion, and point to the red light. Sometimes, they still don't get it, and have to yell, "It's a red light!", at which they either stop in the intersection or panic and go through anyway quickly. This should not be happening.
ReplyDeleteI came across the accident right after it happened. Many other bikers and joggers were there to assist as drivers on Masonic kept blaring their horns. I can definitely say that the man hit was responsive and moving his extremities.
ReplyDeleteJeremiah and others: any additional information about the collision is appreciated. See update from this afternoon, Wednesday.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone knows this bicyclist, please ask him to contact me. There is information about the Collision Report that might be helpful to him.