Sunday, January 31, 2010
NOPA VELO Launches with Patty Hearst/Presidio Ride

Thursday, January 28, 2010
NOPA VELO to Roll Sunday Jan. 31

84.7% Increase in Cyclists at Fell and Scott in Three Years; 34,000+ Ride Fell Each Month

However, a pilot project on Fell between Scott and Divisadero does register all cyclists at all times. This smaller study found that the total number of cyclists using the Fell Street bike lane ranges from 34,000 to 41,000 a month. Not surprisingly, the better weather months, August through October, see the highest use. The total 24/7 count is obtained from an automatic counter, an “inductive loop counter,” embedded under the roadway a few inches. Each time a bicycle passes over the loop the system adds it to the total count. The loop is capable of distinguishing between bicyclists and other users of the road. And, good news for the cash-strapped city, the counters require little maintenance and operate on batteries that last for ten years. The SFMTA expects to enhance its annual bike counts by installing additional automatic counters throughout the city.
The significant numbers from the manual and the automatic counts emphasize even more the need for safer passage on Fell Street. Recent bike improvements, including the new bike box at Scott & Oak Streets and the center bike lane on Scott between Oak and Fell, have improved the safety for the high number of cyclists using the Wiggle bike route. Yet high speeds by motorists on Fell and the traffic tangle on Fell at the ARCO service station remain hazards to cyclists and pedestrians. As reported in BIKE NOPA here, the SFMTA intends to re-time traffic signals on Fell Street to 25 mph by March, but the agency has been slow to experiment with traffic design changes on Fell near the ARCO station. However, this week SFMTA began forming a working group to develop improvements at this location and provide feedback on any trial changes implemented.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
New Bike Racks Sprout in NOPA
Saturday, January 23, 2010
"Two Days, 137 Miles, 60,000 Breaths"
Photo by Jodene on flickr. Spirit Rock Meditation Center
In 2002 a group of Buddhist friends and “cycling meditators” embarked on a journey – a pilgrimage as it turned out – from a meditation center in
Thursday, January 21, 2010
MTA Updates NOPA on Traffic Improvements; Fell/Oak Traffic Signals Timed to 25 mph in March 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
NOPA VELO Spins Out with Inaugural Ride

NOPA VELO, the North Panhandle’s new bicycling group for neighbors and friends, will launch its inaugural monthly outing on Sunday morning, January 31. Ride organizers announced that each ride will accommodate bikers of all levels with an emphasis on exercise and fine times with neighbors and friends. In addition, the outings will begin and end at NOPA's cool cafes and restaurants, making it one of the few neighborhood-focused, regular rides.
Ranger Dale restores Presidio habitats
NOPA VELO organizers – Lenore McDonald, Rick Boardman, and Michael Helquist – were inspired by the enthusiastic turnout for the Bike, Meet, and Mingle events sponsored by NOPNA, the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition (SFBC), and BIKE NOPA last September and December. On both occasions, bicycle networking spun off toward NOPA-focused biking.
Lenore and Rick are veteran cyclists with experience organizing rides. Before finding her current home on Golden Gate, Lenore organized century rides in Marin. BIKE NOPA profiled Lenore in this previous post. Rick is originally from the UK but has been living, cycling and working in the Bay Area for five years. In London, he led the Hammersmith and Fulham group of the London Cycling Campaign for several years. He especially enjoyed leading sometimes muddy, but always fun rides along the Thames.
For ongoing info about the rides and more, join the NOPA VELO Google group here. News and photos will also appear regularly at BIKE NOPA.
The first ride announcement follows:
NOPA VELO's Patty Hearst Presidio Ride ~ Sun., Jan 31 10am - 2 pm
Meet: 9:30 @ Central Coffee, Tea & Spice @ corner, Central & Hayes for NOPA lore on the Patty Hearst kidnapping and captivity in NOPA.
Depart: 10:00 am for swing by Patty Hearst building and then into the Panhandle
- Stops along the way: the newly repaved JFK Drive west of Transverse Drive
- new viewpoint above Sutro Baths
- quick break at the Warming Hut near Crissy Field and brief update on Presidio habitat restoration from Ranger Dale
- Yoda Fountain at Lucasfilm
- Return to NOPA via 15th Avenue
All level riders are welcome and no rider will be left behind. Kids who can ride this distance on their own bike are welcome, if accompanied by a guardian.
The ride is approximately 15 miles with one medium climb to Sutro baths and another medium climb heading home on
Monday, January 18, 2010
JFK Drive: One Smooth Ride to 30th Avenue

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Pothole Injury Slows BIKE NOPA Posts

Friday, January 15, 2010
Divisadero -- Makeover Nearly Complete But Gets Omitted From Sunday Streets; New Signal for Grove Street Crossing

- median greening
- new street tree locations and replacement of dying or damaged trees
- streetlight upgrades (good riddance to the cobra lighting)
- sidewalk bulb outs at bus stops
- pedestrian countdown signals at crosswalks
- bus stop removals to improve service at Ellis and Fulton
- pedestrian refuges at medians
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Street Eyesore Takes Up Residency in NOPA

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Underground Tours Available
A particularly large crater on Grove Street between Baker and Broderick appeared within the last few days (now temporarily repaired). Unfortunately temporary repairs is all Grove Street residents can expect for an indefinite number of years unless the city finds new sources of revenue to keep its streets from worsening (at ever-greater cost to reconstruct and repave in the future).