Rides Ready, Sword and All
Best Bike Fashion on Golden Gate
Count four new members among NOPA's bicycling enthusiasts. The Whalen family of Golden Gate Avenue took the plunge in a big way: two new Diamondback Wildwoods for parents Kris and Shawn along with Adams Trail-A-Bikes for five-year-old Walker and her three year-old brother, Finnigan. We caught up with the new three-wheelers as they prepared for a ride to Hardly Strictly Bluegrass in the park.
As Finnigan reluctantly tucked away his pirate sword -- prepared for the Panhandle Path perhaps? -- Shawn and Kris explained what prompted their new endeavor. "The neighborhood's spirit of biking," Kris said, with a wave to a BIKE NOPA window sign across the street. Shawn added, "detesting the crowded rides on the 5" ( #5 Fulton bus), and "a better way to get into the park."
How's the riding going so far? "The hills," Kris sighed, "we have to get into bicycling shape." Shawn said they had already stopped at Mojo Bicycle Cafe for a tune-up after grinding gears on an uphill climb. "Now we know."
And then they were off, easing down Central Avenue toward the Panhandle. A family who bikes together apparently Hardly Strictly Bluegrasses as well.
And furthermore: Cycling families who loved BIKE THE BLOCK (or, oh no, missed it), there's more family cycle fun this Sunday in Golden Gate Park. Join wheelers from all over the city at th Doughboy Meadow Picnic Area in the park on JFK Drive near 16th Avenue (north of Stow Lake and east of Transverse Drive overpass) from 11 am to 3 pm.
Kids, get your parents there so you can spin through the kid-size city full of STOPs and YIELDs, GREENS and REDS, and perhaps a DANGER DOOR ZONE or a "I'm just stopping for a minute" motorist in the bike lane. Also up for free fun: family bike games, a bicycle showcase (check out cool gear), and the can't miss BIKE PARADE. Find out more about the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition's Third Annual Family Biking Day here.
And there's more: How did one parent's perspective on biking in the city change after her first child joined her for the ride? Read "A Parent's Perspective: Biking with Kids" by Lainie Motamedi in the current issue of Tube Times, SFBC's quarterly newsletter for its 11,000 members. (Note: SFBC members get the Tube Times delivered online or a hard copy at their door plus get loads of discounts at bike shops, cafes, restaurants, and Rainbow Grocery. Get all that and a free city bike map and help make bicycling a safe transportation option by joining SFBC here).
Join the SF Biking Families Yahoo! group at groups.yahoo.com/group/sfbikingfamilies .
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