Part One of this bumpy street saga was all about what the city thinks of that stretch of pavement outside your home. If your block has a tanking score on the Pavement Condition Index (PCI), what's the plan for repairs? Will your block be torn up anytime soon? How many times do you have to keep reporting that recurring pothole or sinkhole to 311?
North/South blocks from Fell to Turk
Divisadero: due for a big makeover with work to begin in Sept/Oct this year.
Broderick: the full stretch of 6 blocks, start up is 7/1/2012
Baker: this is the other major repaving project for NOPA this year, to begin 10/31/09
Lyon: nothing planned here except for the intersection with Hayes: 7/1/2013
Central: Really needs work from Fell to McAllister, but no new surfacing until: 7/1/2013
Masonic: no plans except for Hayes intersection, to start 7/1/2013 (but Masonic is being studied for traffic calming improvements and that may result in re-surfacing as well)
East/West blocks from Divisadero to Masonic
Fell: repaving only at 2 intersections: Broderick (7/1/2012) & Central (7/1/2013)
Hayes: all of Hayes in NOPA due for repaving: 7/1/2013
Grove: only work is at 3 intersections: Divis: 9/5/2009; Broderick: 7/1/2012; Central: 7/1/2013
Fulton: only repaving is at Divis intersection (9/15/09) and at Central (7/01/2013
McAllister: just 3 intersections: Divis: 9/15/2009; Broderick: 7/1/2012; Central: 7/1/2013
Golden Gate: same three intersections and dates as above: Divis, Broderick, Central
Turk: only at Divis and Broderick intersections, same dates as above.
How does the repaving schedule determined?
Identifying candidate streets for repaving is a complicated process, especially since city regulations allow blocks to be torn up only once every five years. That means all underground work by utilities must be coordinated for completion right before repaving begins. Sometimes water, sewer, or electrical work triggers follow-up resurfacing; other times DPW announces its paving plans and the utilities scramble to get work done first. Other factors: Muni lines and bicycle routes give streets a higher priority for repaving and the city employs "geographic equity" so that all districts get a share of the repaving. Note: the street selection process is also responsive to public requests (i.e. complaints).
For the record: The "Gavin" pothole was found on Presidio Street (that's not my spray painting); the cyclist circling a crack on Baker Street is Jared Blumenfeld, interim director of Recreation & Parks Dept, on a swing through NOPA; ok, the last pic is my work but DPW provides spray paint to SF Bike Coalition volunteers to help them locate potholes to be repaired.